So many women end up feeling frustrated because of how long it takes men to fall in love. As a result, they pressure, nag, complain, and give ultimatums. However, if they knew the secret to what it really takes to get a guy to fall in love, they might approach it differently.
Because men are generally attracted by physical attributes first, it tends to take them time to move from the lust to love phase of a relationship. Once they do, because of fears of looking soft to their mates or to their friends, they may not talk about their feelings.
Many men may actually be in the love phase without their women knowing it. Because the woman gets frustrated, she starts to use anger tactics to get him to fall in love even though he was already there. This causes him to pull away and eventually stop pursuing her in the relationship.
This is why it is so important that you learn to be patient and let him grow emotionally at his own pace. Even if you think he doesn't love you yet, you have to wait and be patient.
It is very possible that he is having love feelings and is too afraid to share them. By being supportive instead of judging or being angry with him, you will help him to feel safer in sharing his emotions with you.
By not pushing or pressuring him into professing his feelings and letting him do it in his own time, you will help him to move to love feelings faster and easier. Giving him the time and space he needs will enable him to reach a place of love on his own and avoid the common mistake of losing him because you were impatient.
You will also want to be careful of the dating advice that you listen to. There are all kinds of new ideas about dating, and the old ones are outdated. Some of these ideas are not helpful in a relationship and can actually drive your guy further away. You don't need to let him take charge of every aspect of your life, but you do need to be understanding and patient with him.
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