There are those guys who, when finding themselves unhappy, decide to open up to their partner and tell them so, offering the partner the prospect of fixing the issue. If the female decides that she can't or won't work on things the man begins the separation process. On the other foot, some men don't tell all and begin distancing themselves without informing their lover of why. Lets face it, some men just get bored or realize they aren't happy without the woman doing something or not doing something to edge this on.
In any case, if he doesn't come out and end the relationship, there are always signs and indications that he eventually will. Whether it be due to lack of interest or effort.
The signs of disinterest vary and are many so if you're looking for some usual telltale signs, this article is for you.
He is happy although things aren't right in the relationship
This is the sign that someone else is pleasing your mate. Well. If you are at odds end and you both know it, but he comes home happy-go-lucky for no reason,his needs are nine times out of ten being met elsewhere.
He spends more time outside the house than in it- or with you... /He Is crabby and always starting fights to leave the house
If you and your guy reside together and he spends more and more time outside of the house, he's hiding something. Now, you may snoop and find it's fairly innocent and if you do congrats! Most aren't so luckily relieved. If he can't stand being around you longer than 15 minutes to an hour the relationship is failing, miserably!
He leaves the room to take and make calls, even when the TV's off/He hides his phone or locks it, and didn't before
You're reading and he's gaming on his PSP, why would he need to leave to take or make a phone call? Ponder it seriously, there isn't any noise and you are supposed to his lady, so what's he hiding? Who knows? It may be a surprise for you, so check for attitude subtleness and dates to aid you in this investigation of the silent call.
Just be prepared if it proves to be fishy business.
He no longer wants to be physical but still masturbates. Doesn't look at you more than twice during a day and is always preoccupied
If you have no reason to believe he is no longer attracted to you but he won't have sex with you yet you still hear him masturbating in the shower, he's not into you anymore. Period. He doesn't look at you shaking your bum to your fav song or fresh out of the shower or in nothing but skin? Sadly, he's done.If this is a fairly new problem and he claims nothing is wrong, he doesn't want you in a romantic manner anymore.
I'm currently so bored and sad. I've just broken up with my boyfriend. Does anyone want to talk with me? Please email me at tinalinlove69@gmail.com. I'm so lonely now :(